Let’s collaborate!


Simple Rules >>

1. Fixed BPM, Fixed number of bars

Please keep in mind when producing that the BPM for each of the genres is strictly fixed.
Dance 128 / Trance 138 / Focus 84 / Rhythmic 110 / Meditation 52 / Lounge 100 / Hip-Hop 102 / Disco 118

Please make sure you finish your musical story in 64 bars. Track length is fixed as 64-bars-long, regardless of the genres.
Dance 2:00 / Trance 1:52 / Focus 3:03 / Rhythmic 2:20 / Meditation 4:56 / Lounge 2:34 / Hip-Hop 2:31 / Disco 2:11

Here’s an example. Check out the 64 measures!

2. Must be original

Your track has to be your original work. No copyrighted materials or existing songs, unless open or purchased sources.

3. Should be fully arranged

Even though your track will be automatically re-assembled into our algorithm, your track has to be fully arranged in terms of instrumental arrangement, rather than just a single track of instrument.

Here’s an example. Drums, bass, EP, synth: it a full arrangement.

4. Please do not over-compress

When finally exporting your track, please don’t over-compress and over-amplify to be as loud as possible. The ideal output should be, naturally, around -5db to -1db.

Here’s a bad example (Caution: Loud music).

5. Send us the link first!

Share your audio link with us first! We will follow up with you about how to put your track into our database. Please email us at gavin[at]bgem.me, or simply click the ‘Share Link’ button on the top menu of our app.